Year 6 pupils sit the SATs exam at the end of Year 6, but what exactly are the Year 6 SATs, this guide will ensure that you understand what you need to know about the Year 6 SATs.
What are Year 6 SATs?
Students in England are formally assessed at the end of Year 6 using Standard Attainment Tests (SATs) to mark the end of Key Stage 2. Students will have had a similar test at the end of Key Stage 1 in Year 2.
It is important not to confuse Year 6 SATs with the 11 plus exam. The 11 plus is used by some schools as an entrance exam for Grammar Schools. The 11 plus exam is usually in January.
Prior to May 2016, the SATs exams were very different where students would be awarded a National Curriculum Grade.
What do SATs consist of?
Pupils will sit three English Tests followed by three Maths tests (usually English first, then Maths).
- English Paper 1 – Contains short are questions (45 minutes)
- English Paper 2 – Spelling Test (15 minutes for 2 words)
- English Paper 3 – Reading Paper (60 minutes)
- Maths Paper 1 – Mental Maths and Arithmetic (30 minutes)
- Maths Paper 2 – Mathematical Reasoning (40 minutes)
- Maths Paper 3 – Mathematical Reasoning (40 minutes)
When do SATs take place in 2023?
The Year 6 SATs usually take place in early May, usually the second Week of May.
Below are the dates for this year.
- English Paper 1 – Tuesday 9th May 2023
- English Paper 2 – Tuesday 9th May 2023
- English Paper 3 – Wednesday 10th May 2023
- Maths Paper 1 – Thursday May 11th 2023
- Maths Paper 2 – Thursday May 11th 2023
- Maths Paper 3 – Friday May 12th 2023
What are SATs Grades used for?
The results from the SATs are used to measure the progress of both the school and the child as well as assistance for set grouping in Year 7 for the child.
School progress can be measured by compared the expected results based on the Year 2 SATs and their Year 6 results.
The SATs assess the achievements of the child in English and Maths. The results of the SATs get passed to your child's secondary school for Year 7. The school may decide to use the SATs results to determine your child's set grouping for Year 7
Are Year 6 SATs Compulsory?
Year 6 SATs are currently compulsory for all Year 6 students. Parents can choose to withdraw their own child from sitting the test by speaking to the school.
How are Year 6 SATs Graded?
Year 6 SATs are marked electronically by external examiners and the results are returned to the school.
Each child will receive a scaled score between 80 and 120. Students achieving a score of 100 or more will have achieved the expected standard for Year 6. Students achieving a score of less than 100 will not have achieved the expected standard for Year 6. This can help identify which students need additional support.
When are Results Released?
Year 6 SATs results should be released to your child’s school in July 2023, a date will be confirmed nearer the time.