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Preparing for Interviews

Jan 07, 2023

This article is intended to provide general guidance for students preparing for interviews for various educational or employment opportunities, including university, college, secondary school, and part-time jobs. While the specific questions and expectations may vary depending on the type of program or position being applied for, the following tips can help students approach interviews with confidence and professionalism.

It is important to note that university interviews may be more advanced in nature compared to school or college applications, but these tips can still be useful for students who are new to the interview process.


University interviews are an important step in the admissions process, and can be a nerve-wracking experience for many students. However, with the right preparation, you can increase your confidence and give yourself the best chance of success.

In this article, we will provide tips on how to prepare for a university interview, including researching the institution, reviewing course and program requirements, practicing common interview questions, preparing your personal statement, dressing appropriately, and arriving on time and prepared.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success and make a strong impression on the admissions committee.

Research the university

Familiarise yourself with the university and their values. This will give you a sense of the culture and expectations of the institution, and help you tailor your responses to fit the needs of the university.

You can research the university by visiting its website and reading through the mission statement and academic programs, as well as by looking for news articles or profiles about the institution. In addition, consider reaching out to current students or alumni to get their perspective on the university and the program you are interested in.

By doing your homework, you will be better prepared to answer questions about your fit for the program and the university, and to ask informed questions at the end of the interview.

Review Course Requirements

Before your university interview, it is important to carefully review the requirements for the course you are applying to. This includes reading through the course descriptions and making a list of the required grades.

By understanding the specific needs of the program, you can tailor your responses to fit the expectations of the admissions department. Additionally, reviewing the requirements will help you determine if the program is a good fit for you.

Practice answering common interview questions

There are a number of questions that are commonly asked in university interviews, such as "Why do you want to study here?" and "What are your long-term goals?" It can be helpful to practice answering these questions out loud, either on your own or with the help of a friend or colleague. This will help you feel more comfortable and confident during the interview. In addition, consider asking a friend or parent to role-play the interview with you. This will give you the opportunity to practice your responses in a realistic setting and receive feedback on your performance.

I may write a separate article on this topic in the future if there is interest.

Prepare your personal statement

Many university interviews include a question about your personal statement, which is a written document that describes your goals, interests, and fit for the program. It is important to take the time to review and revise your personal statement before the interview, making sure that it is clear, concise, and well-written.

During the interview, you may be asked to summarise your personal statement or to discuss it in more detail. Practice summarising your personal statement in a clear and concise manner, and be prepared to discuss it in more depth if asked.

You may also want to consider how your personal statement aligns with the mission and values of the university, as well as the specific requirements and expectations of the program.


Dress appropriately

The way you dress for a university interview can make a big impression on the admissions committee, so it is important to choose your attire carefully.

Business casual attire is typically appropriate for a university interview. Avoid wearing clothes that are too casual, such as jeans or t-shirts.

It is also important to make sure your appearance is neat and well-groomed. This includes paying attention to details such as clean and ironed clothing, brushed hair, and minimal makeup and jewellery. By dressing appropriately, you will show respect for the institution and the admissions committee, and make a positive impression.

Be Punctual

Arriving late to a university interview is a sure way to make a poor impression on the admissions committee. Make sure to allow plenty of time to get to the interview location, factoring in traffic and other potential delays. It is better to arrive early than to be rushed or late.

In addition to arriving on time, it is also important to be prepared for the interview. This means bringing copies of your application materials if appropriate. You should also bring a pen and notepad to take notes during the interview. By arriving on time and being prepared, you will show the admissions committee that you are organized and professional, and increase your chances of success.

Ask Questions

At the end of the university interview, you will usually have the opportunity to ask questions. This is a great opportunity to show your interest in the program and the institution, as well as to gather more information about the course or program. It is important to prepare a list of thoughtful and relevant questions in advance, rather than asking questions that could easily be answered by reading the course or program descriptions. Some examples of good questions to ask might include:

  • How does the program prepare students for their careers?
  • What are the expectations for student involvement and research opportunities?
  • What is the faculty-to-student ratio in the program?
  • How do students typically finance their studies?

Be sure to listen carefully to the answers and take notes if necessary. Asking thoughtful questions will show the admissions committee that you are engaged and interested in the program, and will give you valuable information to help you make a decision about your studies.


Preparing for a university interview can be a daunting task, but with the right preparation, you can increase your confidence and give yourself the best chance of success.

By following the tips outlined in this article, such as researching the institution, reviewing course  requirements, practicing common interview questions, preparing your personal statement,  dressing appropriately, and arriving on time and prepared, you can increase your chances of success and make a strong impression on the admissions committee.

Remember to be honest and genuine, and to ask thoughtful questions at the end of the interview. With the right preparation, you can showcase your strengths and interests and demonstrate your fit for the program. Good luck!