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Admission Interviews Unveiled: The Top 10 Questions You'll be Asked and How to Stand Out

Jan 22, 2023

Feeling a little nervous about your upcoming university application interview? It's totally normal, but don't worry!

With the right preparation, you'll be able to confidently impress the admissions committee. To give you a head start, we've put together a list of the top 10 questions you're most likely to be asked during your interview, and some tips on how to answer them like a pro.

Whether you're applying for a university, sixth form college, or even a part-time job, this post will give you a good idea of what to expect and help you make a great impression.

Below you will find 10 common questions that applicants are asked at interviews, why they ask them, and an example answer from various different course applicants including Economics, Medicine, Dentistry English Literature and many more.

1 What made you interested in applying to this university or course?

This question is asked to gauge your level of interest in the university, and to determine if they have done their research on the school and the course.

A Medicine applicant could respond with:

"Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by the human body and how it works. I have always been drawn to the idea of being able to help others and make a difference in their lives. As I've grown older and learned more about the field of medicine, I've become even more convinced that this is the right path for me.

I am particularly interested in the medical research and the potential to discover new ways to treat and prevent diseases. I believe that studying medicine will give me the knowledge and skills I need to make a real impact in the world, and I am eager to begin this journey.”

2 What are your long term career goals?

This question is asked to determine the applicant's motivation for pursuing higher education and to see if the university's programs align with the applicant's career aspirations.

An impressive answer for a Computer Science applicant may sound like this:

"My long-term career goal is to become a leading expert in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. I am particularly interested in developing innovative solutions for real-world problems, such as improving healthcare and reducing energy consumption. I am excited about the potential for AI to make a positive impact on society and I am committed to using my skills and knowledge to contribute to this field. In the long-term, I see myself leading a research team at a top university or a research-focused technology company."

3 What are your strengths and weaknesses?

This question is asked to gain insight into the applicant's self-awareness and to understand how they perceive their own abilities.

An Engineering applicant could deliver a response like below

“My strengths lie in my ability to think critically and solve problems. I have always had a passion for mathematics and physics, and I have excelled in coursework related to those subjects. I am also highly organized and detail-oriented, which helps me stay on top of my projects and meet deadlines.

My main weakness is that I can be a bit of a perfectionist at times. I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself to perform at a high level, which can sometimes lead to stress and burnout. However, I have been working on developing time management and self-care strategies to help me better balance my workload and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Overall, I am confident that my strengths will serve me well in an engineering program and I am committed to continuing to work on my weakness to ensure success in my field.”

4 How would you describe yourself in one word?

A good answer would involve choosing a word that accurately represents the student and explaining why they chose that word. Don't respond with just ONE Word!

A Psychology Applicant might write:

"Empathetic." As a psychology student, I have learned to understand and appreciate the perspectives of others. Through my studies and extracurricular activities, such as volunteering at a counselling centre, I have developed strong skills in active listening and empathy. These skills not only make me a better listener, but also allow me to connect with and understand my clients, peers, and colleagues on a deeper level. I believe that the ability to understand and connect with others is an essential part of being a successful psychologist.

5 What do you think sets you apart from other applicants?

This question is asked to understand the applicant's unique qualifications and to see how they differentiate themselves from other applicants.

A noteworthy response for an Economics student could be:

"I believe that what sets me apart from other applicants is my strong analytical skills and passion for economics. I have always had a keen interest in understanding the underlying economic factors that drive decision making and I have been able to hone these skills through my coursework and internships.

Additionally, I have a strong background in mathematics and statistics, which I believe will be an asset in understanding and analysing complex economic data. Furthermore, I am a proactive and self-motivated learner, I am always eager to learn new things, and I can handle multiple tasks at once, which I believe will be valuable in a fast-paced and dynamic field like economics.

I am confident that my skills, passion, and drive will make me a valuable asset to your program."

6 What kind of extracurricular activities have you been involved in?

This question is asked to understand the applicant's level of involvement outside of the classroom and to see how they have developed skills such as leadership and teamwork.

An impressive answer for a Physics applicant may sound like this:

"Throughout school, I was actively involved in several extracurricular activities that helped me to strengthen my skills in physics. I was a member of the physics club, where we worked on different projects and experiments. Additionally, I participated in several science exhibitions, where I presented my projects and received recognition for my work.

I also volunteered as a tutor, helping other students understand difficult physics concepts. Through these activities, I was able to develop my problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork skills, which will be valuable assets for me in the physics program."

7 Can you tell me about a time when you faced a challenge and how you overcame it?

This question is asked to understand the applicant's problem-solving skills and to see how they handle adversity.

An impressive answer for a Dentistry candidate could be:

"During my shadowing experience at a local dental clinic, I observed a patient who had a severe phobia of needles and dental procedures. As the Dentist was preparing to administer local anaesthesia, the patient panicked and refused treatment. I knew that this was a critical moment for the patient's oral health and that it was important to find a solution quickly.

I spoke with the patient in a calm and empathetic manner, explaining the importance of the procedure and assuring them that their safety and comfort were our top priority. I suggested using distraction techniques, such as listening to music or squeezing a stress ball.

The patient eventually agreed to proceed with the treatment with the help of these techniques, and the procedure was a success. It was a proud moment for me to have helped the patient overcome their fear and receive the necessary treatment, and it taught me the importance of effective communication and empathy in Dentistry"

8 What are you looking to gain from your University experience?

This question is asked to understand the applicant's goals for their university experience and to see if they align with the university's mission and offerings.

An Optometry student could answer:

"I am looking to gain a comprehensive education in the field of Optometry, as well as the hands-on experience and training necessary to become a successful optometrist. I am excited to learn from renowned professors and to be exposed to a diverse patient population. Additionally, I hope to take advantage of research and community service opportunities to further develop my skills and give back to the community. I am looking forward to being part of a supportive and dynamic learning community and to grow both personally and professionally during my time at university."

9 What are you most passionate about?

This question is asked to understand the applicant's interests and to see what they are most motivated to pursue.

An English Literature candidate's strong response could be framed in this way:

"I am most passionate about reading and analysing literature. I have always had a love for books, and the way they can transport us to different worlds and provide different perspectives. I am particularly interested in the way literature reflects society and how it can be used to comment on social issues. I am excited to delve deeper into the literary world through university and explore the works of different authors and eras. I am also looking forward to the opportunity to share my passions with others in class discussions and written work."

10 What are your thoughts on current events and social issues?

This question is asked to understand the applicant's level of engagement with the world around them and to see if they have a strong sense of social and global awareness.

A standout answer for a Business Studies candidate could be something along these lines:

"As a business studies applicant, I understand the importance of staying informed on current events and social issues. They have a direct impact on the business world and can shape the economy and consumer behaviour. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on businesses and industries across the globe. It has also highlighted the importance of social responsibility and sustainability in business practices.

I am particularly interested in understanding how businesses can adapt to these challenges and create long-term sustainable solutions while still maintaining profitability. Additionally, I am passionate about understanding the economic impact of societal issues such as income inequality and climate change on businesses and how they can be addressed."


In conclusion, University application interviews can be intimidating, but with the right preparation, you can feel confident and ready to impress the admissions committee.

By understanding the top 10 questions that are commonly asked during university application interviews, along with some tips on how to answer them effectively, you'll be well-equipped to make a great impression and stand out as a strong candidate.

Remember to be honest, enthusiastic, and most importantly, be yourself.

Wishing you the best of luck in your interview