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Year 7 Maths Unlimited - £80 per month

Parents are worried about how disruption to children’s education over the last 18 months will affect their child as they go through school and onto GCSE. Will there be problems in the long term?

The good news for you, since your child is in Year 7 is there should not be any problems in the long term as there is plenty of time to learn and practice everything they need for their GCSE Exams.

I like to find the positive in a difficult situation. Let me try and explain why I think this is a great time for your child to get ahead of the class at school despite all the learning loss.

Every Year 7 child in the country has suffered learning loss through disruption to their schooling over the last 18 months. Think of the phrase, “we’re all in the same boat.”

When your child gets to year 11 and sits his/her exam in May 2026, they will be competing against all the other Year 11s in the country who have all gone through similar issues as your child. Your child’s grade will be determined by how they do in comparison to the rest of the country. If your child was doing “okay” in Maths, chances are they are still doing “okay” in Maths. I’m personally not a fan of students doing “okay,” I like it when children strive for excellence and always want to improve, and I like to instil this characteristic on all the students I teach.

Who am I?

First, let me introduce myself, my name is Anish Patel, I’m a dad to a 2 year old, so I missed all the fun you must have had during the lockdown home schooling your children!!!

I am also a Maths tutor; Expert GCSE Examiner and I also upload Math Videos on YouTube usually once per week.

A Little about the Company

Whilst at University back in 2004, revising for my Maths Degree, my friends and I would get together and revise. And when one didn’t understand a concept, one of us would explain in a way they would understand.

Whilst revising with some friends at University, one of my friends liked the way I explained a concept and said to me, you need to be a Maths teacher.A few months later, I applied to train as a teacher and simultaneously set up a Tuition Company, Direct Tuition back in 2004.

After completing my teaching degree, I worked as a teacher in an Inner-City School in Birmingham for three years and grew my tuition business at the same time. It grew to a point where I could no longer do both, I needed to pick a side. I decided to leave school in 2008 and focus solely on the business.

Over the last 17 years, as a company we have taught over 3000 students and we teach students not only what to learn, but how to apply it in exam situations and help them to be more confident and independent in Maths. One of our goals is that 90% or more of our students achieve a Grade 7 or Higher (Grade 7 is the equivalent of the old Grade A) at GCSE. The National Average is 21%

We also work regularly with 5 schools from the local area (Leicester, Nottingham, Corby), where the school hire us to send a team of Maths tutors to teach their Year 11 students in the holidays with our tailored Intensive Revision Courses.

I have been a GCSE, A-Level and Year 6 SATs examiner since 2005, over the years I have marked over 300,000 questions, so I have a good idea of what the exam boards are looking for from students.

We started doing Online lessons back in 2014 for our A-Level Maths students as logistically it was impossible for me to teach the whole A-Level course to them only seeing them once per week and students found them very useful as a supplement to their face to face lessons. The Online side of our business is called Mathinar.

In March 2020, we could see the Pandemic was growing and decided to stop our face-to-face classes with the growing number of cases in the UK and teach online instead. A few days later, the Government announced that all schools MUST close and enforced Lockdown.

We began teaching online with our live and interactive lessons where students could get the same quality of teaching as they were used to but with a few additional benefits.

  • They now get a copy of my slides before the lesson so they can print them out before the class, this means they spend less time making notes and more time understanding
  • Student names are anonymous to other students, so students can feel confident in asking questions in class
  • The lessons are now recorded and students are able to view recordings of their classes should they miss one or wish to view the class again.
  • Students would still be set homework each lesson but now we have a separate lesson each week where we go through the homework questions that students have needed help with. This is again recorded afterwards so students unable to make the live class don’t miss out

With our Year 11 class, between March and August I had taught them the whole GCSE course they would have learnt in Year 10 and Year 11 at school. We started to revise for their GCSE in September giving them a whole eight months to revise, unfortunately in January 2021 their exams were cancelled and the students were so upset by this because they had worked so hard over the last year to get ahead in Maths. However they still had internal exams in school, and the results they achieved were the best we have had in all our 17 years of teaching.

Year 11 Results 2021

Our target is to make sure that 90% of our students achieve a Grade 7 or higher. 

in Summer 2021, ALL our students (100%) achieved a Grade 7 or Higher for GCSE Maths (National Average was 21%) in Summer 2021.

More Importantly 83% of our students achieved a Grade 8 or Grade 9 compared to the National Average of 12%.

Most of these students joined our online sessions in March 2020 and our Exam Practice Sessions from September 2020.

  • 0 Students (0%) achieved a Grade 6 or lower (National Average 79%)
  • 2 students (16%) achieved a Grade 7 (National Average 9%)
  • 5 students (42%) achieved a Grade 8 (National Average 7%)
  • 5 students (42%) achieved a Grade 9 (National Average 5%)

We had a few students complete the GCSE Further Maths course too and their results can be found below:

  • 0 Students achieved a Grade 6 or below
  • 1 Student achieved a Grade 7
  • 1 Student achieved a Grade 8
  • 4 Students achieved a Grade 9

Previous Experiences of Online Education

Students will have had mixed experiences with online education up until now from schools. I have learned that the quality and quantity of teaching from schools has varied vastly around the country.

  • Some students have been sat in online classes of between 20 and 600 (yes six hundred) students for a Maths lesson. The quality of teaching you can provide at 20 is very different from what you can do with 600 in a class.
  • During Lockdown, some students had just 3 hours of live teaching each week whilst other schools were providing full timetables of 25 hours of live and interactive lessons with just their actual school class.

I want to assure you that our lessons will be very different to the lessons your child may be used to from previous experiences. We have a small group of students usually about 8 and I encourage them to ask questions and I make sure every student fully understands a concept before moving on to the next one.

Only you and your child will know for definite if the online lessons are going to be beneficial, I want to give you the opportunity to try them out for a couple of weeks and get a real feel of exactly what we offer and how we offer it

How does the Year 7 Course Work?

Students get TWO Live and Interactive lessons each week.

  • The first lesson will take place on Monday 4-5pm this is the Teaching Lesson where students will be taught a new concept. After this lesson, students will be set some homework and be asked to complete that over the next few days.
  • On Saturday 9-10am, students will get a Homework Consolidation Lesson where we go through the questions from the last homework that students have not fully understood and make sure that they understand it using numerous examples if required.

Both lessons will then be recorded and placed on our learning platform for students to view in their own time if they wish to.

The whole Year 7 course is taught over 24 teaching lessons, so by May 2022 we will have learnt everything required for the Year 7 course.

From May 2022 onward we will begin to look at some Year 8 topics and begin preparation for students’ End of Year Tests We look at how to answer exam style questions that are likely to come up at the end of Year 7.


What does my Child get?

Your child will get the following:

  • ONE Teaching lesson each week, Monday 4-5pm, term time only
  • ONE Homework Consolidation Lesson each week, Saturday 9-10am, term time only
  • Access to my slides before the lesson to print out if they want
  • Homework for each lesson, complete with the answers
  • Access to the recordings of all the live lessons to view when students need to
  • Homework Score Analysis – we analyse your child’s homework scores and determine their weak areas, we use this information to determine any topics we need to go through again and also inform students of their weaknesses.

You will be taught by me, Anish Patel in all the Live classes. I specialise in helping students achieve a minimum of a Grade 7 in their GCSE and a minimum of a Grade A at A-Level Maths. I know your child is not doing their GCSE any time soon, but the current school Maths curriculum is a 5-year journey concluding with the GCSE exam at the end of Year 11. Your child is currently going through that journey and I’m sure that you want your child to have advantage when it comes to their GCSE.

How much does this all cost?

We have just begun our Year 7 classes and you will get access to the recordings of the classes you have missed since October 25th.

The cost is £80 per month, where you get two lessons EVERY WEEK during term time.

If you decide that it's not right for you, click cancel and you will not be charged any more.

If you are happy with everything, then you do nothing and at the end of 30 days, you will be charged £80 for the next month. You can cancel anytime by clicking cancel on your account or asking me to do it.

Click "Complete my Purchase" to join our Year 7 Maths Unlimited