GCSE Maths
"83% of our GCSE students achieved a Grade 8 or Grade 9 last year"
The National Average was 12%

Types of Lesson
We offer 3 different types of lessons each week and your child can opt to take one, two or three lessons per week. All our lessons take place term time only.
Our GCSE Maths Course for students taking the AQA GCSE Higher Course or Edexcel GCSE Higher Course. So if this is what your child is studying and is hoping to achieve a minimum of a Grade 7, then our course is right for your child.

Past GCSE Exam Papers to Download
Are you looking to download past exam papers, look no further, here you can download the past GCSE Papers from the last six years for free:
AQA GCSE Maths Exam Papers 8300 (current)
Teaching Lessons
This is where your child will be taught a new concept from the GCSE course. In a typical 60 minute session we will cover 4-5 concepts in our Interactive class. At the end of the teaching lesson, your child will be set some homework which your child will need to complete before the Homework Consolidation Lesson.
We have broken down the GCSE Course into 50 one hour lessons in which we teach the whole GCSE Course that students learn over Year 10 and Year 11 at school.
Students will need to purchase one textbook for the GCSE course and this is where all the homework will be set from.
This lesson takes place on Saturday 10:00-10:000m and is suitable for both Year 10 and Year 11 students.
Homework Consolidation Lesson
This is a new type of class we have added this year. Previously, students would get stuck on homework questions and I would spend a couple of minutes the following lesson helping them. By adding this new class, we now have a whole hour to support your child with any problem areas they have come across.
Your child will need to have completed and marked the homework set at the teaching lesson before the class. They will also need to make a list of the questions that they have struggled with in the homework and will need to let me know in the class.
We aim to go through all the questions that your child has struggled with in the homework in this class so that it they were to attempt the homework again, they would understand everything.
This lesson takes place on Wednesday 7:00-8:00pm and is suitable for both Year 10 and Year 11 students.
Exam Practice Lessons
Has your child ever had a test at school, prepared well for the test but struggles when it come to the exam?
And when the teacher goes through the test later on, do they ask themselves “How did I not know what to do there?”
In this class we concentrate on the skill of answering Exam style questions, this is something many students struggle with. Being able to answer these questions is an artform.
We concentrate on One topic each lesson, the class begins with a quick recap of the topic to get the lesson started. Students are asked to look at the exam questions that I have published for them and to make a list of the questions that they would struggle with. We then make a list of these question numbers and students are shown how to answer these questions.
Your child will be taught by a GCSE Examiner so the tutor will show your child common mistakes made by students and how to avoid them, as well as short cuts to questions which take only a fraction of the amount of time to do compared to the normal method.
By the end of the year, our aim is for your child to be able to answer 80% of their exam paper in half the time. Leaving them with the remining half the time to answer the final 20% of the paper and check they answers. Students are also set homework exam questions on the topic we have just covered to reinforce their knowledge.
Your child will have answered thousands of exam style questions by the end of this course. This class takes place on Saturday 11:30-12:30pm and is recommended only for Year 11 students